I’d like to announce another blog I am maintaining. It is mostly dedicated for products I make and develop and is located on kurokesu.com server. Current one on lukse.lt will stay as it is – I will post my random discoveries and interesting activities here.

In this series of articles I will talk about how to start working with FPGA (Field Programmable Gate Array). Even basic knowledge of FPGA/CPLD architecture opens new understandings about hardware development possibilities especially if you are targeting real-time processing which might be complicated or impossible on modern CPU/MCU running operating systems.

This blog was home for interesting things like Touch probe, Raspberry Pi case, C920 webcam rework kit, high sensitivity USB camera and few other. I think it is time to leave it for other random notes and ideas and move products to new and better place. Let me present Kurokesu. This will be home and e-store for all future products.
Starting new project – LP0018D – best in the class digitizing touch probe/edge finder. After long research and many adjustments finally preparation is complete. Time to review first samples. Like all of my previous projects it is funded completely from my pocket, so should be reasonably priced and I am not rushed by crowdfunding bull*hit.
I was always fascinated by lightning. Long time ago, being a teenager I shoot lightning strikes many times with some degree of success. At that time I was using my dad’s old Zenit camera. While lightnings are always the same, equipment advances very rapidly. Today I will talk about spotting interesting frames from video and detecting exact moment of strike using Python.
To be short I will be talking about long term tethered time-lapse photography (it is also a good platform for construction camera). While final movie can be very short this kind of photography involves lots of planning and technical skills. During long time time lapse project a lot of things can go wrong. Also prepare to ruin your DSLR if you are using one.